People who know me.... really know me, know that I'm the queen of starting projects. Finishing them isn't always something that I do, but I sure know how to start them! I've wanted to study Spanish for years, but never did it. We have some wonderful friends who live in Mexico City, which is even more motivation for me to want to learn Spanish; it would be nice to talk with them in their native language. As a carrot for myself, I've decided that if I dedicate X amount of time per week marketing my editing business for 6 months, then I get to take a Spanish class. This past week, I prepped and mailed almost 100 postcards to local business. One week down, 5 months and 3 weeks to go until I can register for a Spanish class. Ironically, at Starbucks today, Eric found a business card posted on the community bulletin board and the card was for someone who teaches Spanish classes here in Seattle. I wrote down the information and will keep it tucked away (on a post it note!) until the time comes for me to start on my path to learning Spanish.
Speaking of our trip to Starbucks, we took a walk as a family today to the local Starbucks. It was around 8 in the morning and absolutely perfect walk weather. It was sunny, but not too hot. Annika was an absolute angel and had a wonderful time watching the various birds that we passed. On our way home, we walked by Bitterlake (can we say "swimmers itch"??) and as we left, Annika waved and said "bye bye water". Such a cutie!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The "LuLu" dress
I've said this before and will probably say it until my dying day.... my friend Jen is an AMAZING knitting pattern designer. This sundress is called "Lulu" and also has a matching hat (that Annika wouldn't wear). When Jen dropped off the yarn for me to test the pattern, Annika couldn't keep her hands off of it. When the dress was finished, I couldn't get her to wear it! (go figure)
A few days ago, Annika willingly let me dress her in it and then proceeded to play on her new climber that we got last weekend.
In addition to her Lulu dress, Annika is sporting her new Salt Water Sandals. She looks like such a little kid wearing them. Her baby days are long gone!
Walking around

Peek a boo!

Our child talking? What a shocker!

Happy girl!
A few days ago, Annika willingly let me dress her in it and then proceeded to play on her new climber that we got last weekend.
In addition to her Lulu dress, Annika is sporting her new Salt Water Sandals. She looks like such a little kid wearing them. Her baby days are long gone!
Walking around

Peek a boo!

Our child talking? What a shocker!

Happy girl!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Love of Office Supplies
I admit it ... I love office supplies. Post-It Notes are a passion of mine. This weekend, I was chatting with my SIL about my Post-It addiction and she admitted to loving them beyond a normal level as well. They are, quite possibly, the world's most perfect office supply. They are brightly colored, stick to just about anything, are just about everywhere which makes them convenient beyond believe, and are just happy. I use them for shopping lists, random notes, phone messages, reminders to get gas and pet food (these notes are then stuck to my car's dashboard so I see them as I'm out and about), and much more. I even use them to write down our week's dinner list. Love, love, love my little Post-It Notes! :)
I also have a great fondness for those little sticky flags that lawyers frequently use to denote where their clients are supposed to sign forms and various pieces of paperwork. In my technical writing days, I used them to mark edits that needed to be made. They, like their Post-It Note bretheren, are colorful, stick to almost anything, and are just nifty to look at scattered here and there.
Note to self: Buy more Post-It Notes... you're almost out.
I also have a great fondness for those little sticky flags that lawyers frequently use to denote where their clients are supposed to sign forms and various pieces of paperwork. In my technical writing days, I used them to mark edits that needed to be made. They, like their Post-It Note bretheren, are colorful, stick to almost anything, and are just nifty to look at scattered here and there.
Note to self: Buy more Post-It Notes... you're almost out.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We were robbed!
About a week ago, I noticed that one of our bikes wasn't on its hook in our carport. I meant to ask Eric where he put the bike, but forgot. Yesterday after Eric came home from work, he asked why one of the bikes wasn't on its hook. It then dawned on us that someone had scaled our fence and swiped one of our bikes. It just burns me that people can't respect other people enough to keep from stealing their stuff. MAN!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Trip to the Zoo
Yes, it was raining yesterday, but that didn't stop us from taking a trip to Woodland Park Zoo. Hey, we're from Seattle ... we won't melt! I packed up Annika and zipped down Greenwood to the zoo and even got a great parking spot on the street near the West gate. I really do love free parking!
Because we have a membership to the zoo, I don't feel like we have to dedicate and entire day to the event. Yesterday, we took in the more domestic animals by spending the majority of our time at the Family Farm. It was lunch time during our visit, which led Annika to proclaim "yunch!" every time we saw an animal eating. Some of the critters that most impressed us were the miniature cows (imagine full-size bodies on 1/2 size legs!), chickens, sheep, and goats. Annika and I spent a little time petting a few goats in the petting area; she did amazingly well. I think because the goats were roughly the same size as our dogs, Annika was comfortable around them. (See picture below.) The pig was unimpressed with us and actually moved to wherever we weren't; I was unimpressed because it didn't have a curly tail. To each his own, I guess.

The one exhibit that Annika was anything but comfortable around was the penguin tank. She was fine as the penguins zipped around under the water, but as soon as one stopped and looked at her through the tank, she got very uncomfortable and started to wiggle and squawk a bit. If she hadn't been in her stroller, I'm sure I'd be doing the "hey, get back here" dash that parents are apt to do.
We also visited the bug house; I was much more impressed than Annika was. I don't think she got it or typically noticed what she was supposed to notice. She was more impressed with the other family that was also there. Me? I thought the stick bug was the best part of the bug house. Those things area amazingly cool!!
When our hair was plastered to our heads and Annika's hands were pink, I knew it was time to head home. It was a good trip to the zoo and one of these times, we'll make it to the elephant exhibit!!
Because we have a membership to the zoo, I don't feel like we have to dedicate and entire day to the event. Yesterday, we took in the more domestic animals by spending the majority of our time at the Family Farm. It was lunch time during our visit, which led Annika to proclaim "yunch!" every time we saw an animal eating. Some of the critters that most impressed us were the miniature cows (imagine full-size bodies on 1/2 size legs!), chickens, sheep, and goats. Annika and I spent a little time petting a few goats in the petting area; she did amazingly well. I think because the goats were roughly the same size as our dogs, Annika was comfortable around them. (See picture below.) The pig was unimpressed with us and actually moved to wherever we weren't; I was unimpressed because it didn't have a curly tail. To each his own, I guess.

The one exhibit that Annika was anything but comfortable around was the penguin tank. She was fine as the penguins zipped around under the water, but as soon as one stopped and looked at her through the tank, she got very uncomfortable and started to wiggle and squawk a bit. If she hadn't been in her stroller, I'm sure I'd be doing the "hey, get back here" dash that parents are apt to do.
We also visited the bug house; I was much more impressed than Annika was. I don't think she got it or typically noticed what she was supposed to notice. She was more impressed with the other family that was also there. Me? I thought the stick bug was the best part of the bug house. Those things area amazingly cool!!
When our hair was plastered to our heads and Annika's hands were pink, I knew it was time to head home. It was a good trip to the zoo and one of these times, we'll make it to the elephant exhibit!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day Summary
Sunday was my 2nd Mother's Day spent as a mom. It was wonderful. We spent a little quiet time at home before heading up to Whidbey Island to have brunch with Eric's parents. We ate more than our fill and then played a really fun game called Tripoly. (I think we might add that to our shopping list one of these days!) For Mother's Day, Annika and Eric gave me heartfelt cards and some new cookie cutters .... YIPPEE!! Do they know me or what?!!?
The only down part of our trip to the island was the line for the return ferry. We're used to leaving the house and hopping right onto the next ferry. No such luck on Sunday. Instead of our usual right turn to the ferry terminal, we had to turn left and go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up the hill to the end of the waiting line. We wound up just beyond the "90 minutes +/- from this spot" sign. Fortunately, the very tired Annika fell asleep and Eric and I had books to read. Our usual 1 hour trip turned into a 2 1/2 hour trip home. UGH!
Speaking of books, can I just say how excited I am that the book club I'm in chose to read "To Kill a Mockingbird"? I love, love, love that book!!! (Not enough to name a child Scout or Boo, but I really do love the book.) It is funny to read it with an adult's perspective instead of a teenager's point of view. Things I missed as a young reader jump out now as critical to the book's development and depth. I savor my time with this book; it is like creme brulee for me. Each little taste is delicious and rich.
The only down part of our trip to the island was the line for the return ferry. We're used to leaving the house and hopping right onto the next ferry. No such luck on Sunday. Instead of our usual right turn to the ferry terminal, we had to turn left and go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up the hill to the end of the waiting line. We wound up just beyond the "90 minutes +/- from this spot" sign. Fortunately, the very tired Annika fell asleep and Eric and I had books to read. Our usual 1 hour trip turned into a 2 1/2 hour trip home. UGH!
Speaking of books, can I just say how excited I am that the book club I'm in chose to read "To Kill a Mockingbird"? I love, love, love that book!!! (Not enough to name a child Scout or Boo, but I really do love the book.) It is funny to read it with an adult's perspective instead of a teenager's point of view. Things I missed as a young reader jump out now as critical to the book's development and depth. I savor my time with this book; it is like creme brulee for me. Each little taste is delicious and rich.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
21 months old
Yesterday, Annika turned 21 months old. It astounds us to think about how much she's learned in that amount of time. In addition to her vocabulary taking off like a rocket, she's also started doing things like imaginary play and had started really playing with the dogs (she loves to throw toys for Buca to chase). She is also expressing more complex ideas. Yesterday, Eric and I were playing a card game and Annika walked up to Eric and said "Seat. Up." He got up, not sure where this would go and Annika proceeded to climb up into his chair. She simply wanted to sit where he was.
Some of our favorite things she says these days are "uppy down" (still not quite sure when to say up or down, so she says both), "HA!" (when asked what a hyena says), and "whoooossssshhhh" (we aren't sure what she's doing exactly, but she says this while running around with her arms stuck out behind her..... flying, perhaps?)
Who says baskets aren't great fashion accessories?


Showing off her forehead owie

A closer look
Some of our favorite things she says these days are "uppy down" (still not quite sure when to say up or down, so she says both), "HA!" (when asked what a hyena says), and "whoooossssshhhh" (we aren't sure what she's doing exactly, but she says this while running around with her arms stuck out behind her..... flying, perhaps?)
Who says baskets aren't great fashion accessories?


Showing off her forehead owie

A closer look

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