Yesterday, our little guy turned three years old. I find myself stymied that he is already 3, yet he has only been a part of our family for 3 years.
As soon as he woke up, I wished him a happy birthday and told him that he's now three. After a few rounds of "No I'm not! I'm two!" and "Nope. Today is your birthday, now you're three!", he finally came around to identifying himself as three instead of two.
At daycare, his teachers made him a paper crown that he got to decorate with stickers galore. His teachers and friends also sang many renditions of "Happy Birthday" to him; his teacher Olga even sang to him in Russian!

To keep the kids occupied while we waited for the pizza (his requested birthday dinner ... only after his first ideas of "cake" and "chocolate chip pizza" were vetoed), Conor opened his presents from us and the out-of-town contingency. The boy was in hog heaven!!!! The San Diego crew gave him a variety of little items all bundled together in a ball (aka many, many layers) of crepe paper; talk about an entertaining unwrapping experience! He's unwrap a bit and then PLOP, out fell another little item. So fun! His favorite item was the Toy Story top; Eric's and my favorite was the ketchup packet! The Kennewick crew gave him a bike (ok, it started out as a trampoline, but we were concerned about the potential of WWIII breaking out over who got to use it at any given time; we are very grateful for Amazon's rock star exchange policy!) Annika gave him a Jake and the Neverland Pirates toy set (including a talking telescope). Eric and I gave him an InnoTab tablet just like Annika's. Now both kids will remain entertained and quiet (in theory) on our flights to/from Mexico later this year.
Waiting to start the present unwrapping |
The wad o' crepe papers and goodies |
Conor trying out his new bike |
Conor opening his tablet |
Eric trying out the talking telescope |
After dinner, the kids insisted on going outside and riding their bikes for a bit. It was a gorgeous spring day, how could we possibly say no to that?? Of course, Annika wanted a bike without pedals (like Conor's bike) and Conor wanted a horn on his bike (like Annika's bike), so they wound up swapping back and forth the entire time we were outside.
And away we go! (Notice he's wearing pants again ... we take the victories we can get!) |
One of many bike swaps |
On-the-go kiddos! |
After bikes, it was cake time!! All-in-all, our sweet little boy seemed to have a wonderful day and is now catching on to the excitement of celebrating birthdays.
Taking in the view as we sang "Happy Birthday" |
Fork schmork! |
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