Thursday, June 30, 2011
He's a seal
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
June Daring Kitchen Challenge
I had a few issues with this challenge. The first was my own fault: the recipe recommended doubling the ingredients. No problem! I doubled the dries. However, I forgot to double the wets. Whoops. Scrapped that wad of dough and started over ... doubling ALL of the ingredients. MUCH better! The second issue came from me placing the baking dish on the stack of phyllo sheets I painstakingly rolled out so I could cut them to to fit. Big mistake. The weight of the pan made all of the sheets stick together. Whoops! At that point, I pulled out the handy-dandy pasta machine and rolled out the dough (AGAIN) using less elbow grease. Perfect! The only recipe-based issue I had was that it called for too much honey syrup... too wet. Even with all of the issues, it still tasted REALLY good!
Erica of Erica’s Edibles was our host for the Daring Baker’s June challenge. Erica challenged us to be truly DARING by making homemade phyllo dough and then to use that homemade dough to make Baklava.
A whale of a tale
Yesterday, I gave Conor a book to look at while we waited for Eric to get Annika from her classroom. The book contained cartoon-ish drawings of ocean dwellers - jellyfish, starfish, shark, fish, octopus, etc. I pointed to the picture of the whale and said "whale." Much to my surprise, Conor repeated what I said! It is amazing how quickly kids his age develop their vocabularies!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Girls' Day at U. Vill.
After the farmers market, Annika and I popped down to U. Village to get some storage stuff. Instead of getting in and out, Annika and I took a little time to explore U. Village and to spend some uninterrupted Mom-N-Me time together. It was a beautiful day and Annika loved all of the water features throughout the mall. To top off our day, we even got some frozen yogurt!
Exploring the water features
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The cutest ant ever
That said, my loathing of ants lessened yesterday when I saw the world's cutest ant... and her little friends. Annika's class is studying bugs right now and so each of the kids made an ant hat. The hats were complete with ant stamps and pipe cleaner antanae.
Unlike her task-focused antbretheren, Annika doesn't go directly anywhere. She meanders most of the time. Such is the case when it is time to leave school each day. We don't go from point A (the outside gate of her class' play area) to point B (the car). Instead, we go from point A to point Q, take a left at point G, hop in a circle near point U, pick up leaves at point L, return to point A, and then eventually make our way to point B. Every aspect of the general area needs to be explored, commented on, and collected.
Annika's Ant Hat
Collecting Leaves
Collecting More Leaves
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Dressing Up
You can't really see them, but her earrings are these plastic, fuzzy green things ... they remind me of the top of a sea anemone.
Annika loves her loot!
Conor, those necklaces really make your jammies pop!
Annika being Princess Jasmine

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Annika's 1st Diorama
Not too shabby, if you ask me!!
On Saturday, the kids and I hunkered down in front of our book basket in our front room and read books for I don't even know how long. A few months ago, we received a hand-me-down collection of mini books that our kids adore. Here are a few pics of our jammie-clad kids enjoying the joy that is reading.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
One happy girl
Monday, June 13, 2011
To say our children love tomatoes is an understatement. Our kids LOOOOOOOOVE tomatoes - especially the little grape tomatoes. (They obviously inherited this trait from me, not Eric. That man loves lots of things, but tomatoes aren't one of 'em.)
Recently, Conor started saying a word we didn't initially recognize: "may-oh". At first, I thought he was asking for milk. I'd hear him say "may-oh" and offer him milk. He'd shake his head with verve (occasionally knocking himself over) and saying, "NO!"
Then, I started to realize he pointed at red things when he said "may-oh" and I realized he was saying "tomato." Ah-ha!! If eating tomatoes was an Olympic sport, this little guy would be a gold medal champion!! (Assuming his sister wasn't competing in the same Olympics... otherwise, they'd have to duke it out for gold and silver.)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Annika's latest cuteness

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
(Keep an eye out for Conor's cameo in the video!)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Cousin Fun
Staci (my sister-in-law) and I decided a little "cousin camp" was in order for the day. I brought our blow-up pool and some bubble wands - both were a hit, as was the wind-up fish that our nephew Ian had in a bowl of water. Ian and Annika had a great time in the wading pool (once we poured in enough warm water so they didn't feel like they were freezing to death), climbing on the Big Toy, and running around on the lawn. In fact, the kids played themselves to the point of exhaustion!
Growing children = last-minute shopping outing for sandals en route to cousin camp
(PS: Our kids LOVE the driving carts!)

Conor watching Ian and his wind-up fish
Conor getting in on the action

Annika wasn't going to be left out!
Friday, June 3, 2011
When we got home, I pulled out the craft kit, put newspaper all over our laundry room floor (mind you, that didn't stop painted footprints from winding up on the floor, but it did help a bit), and let the kids go to town painting their planters. After they were done, I took the planters outside and sprayed them with clear coat, so the paint could withstand our famous Seattle rain.
The next day, Annika and I donned our garden gloves and planted the pretty purple plants (like the alliteration??) that Annika picked out. Our deck looks much prettier now!
Thanks, Sara, for the great craft idea!!
Annika's planter

Conor's planter
Thursday, June 2, 2011
One of the best days EVER
What amazes me year after year is how well get get along and how well we fit. We share a sense of humor that makes most people shake their heads and walk away mystified. When he brings logic, I bring emotion. When I bring chaos, he brings calm. We just work well. We are forever finishing each other's sentences and know what the other is about to say. Our partnership is right ... simply put. Eric is the peanut butter to my jelly - the yin to my yang - the Gilbert to my Sullivan.
Little did I know those many years ago that when I walked through the doors at my new job, I would not only start on a lifelong career path, but I would also meet the man of the dreams. My future husband. The father of my future children. The man I would rely on, I would support, and I would grow old with. The man whose love keeps me grounded and gives my heart wings all at the same time.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Annika's owie ear
I took Annika to the doctor, who diagnosed her with a "raging ear infection." She gave us a 'script for antibiotics and sent us on our merry way.
Apparently, my incredibly sleep-deprived brain (who also didn't go to pharmacology school and doesn't know all of the drug facts down to the Nth degree) mistakenly told the doctor (Note: Not our regular pediatrician) that Annika could take amoxicillan when she, in fact, can't because of her augmentin allergy. I should have said that she can take Azithromycin. Apparently, the doctor gave the pharmacist an earful when she called asking if it is OK to switch the type of antibiotic to one that won't make Annika puke her guts out. The doctor said, "Her mother specifically said that amoxicillan was fine." Well PAR-DON ME for getting my antibiotics screwed up and not knowing that augmentin and amoxicillan are basically the same drug. I have a degree in ENGLISH not CHEMISTRY ... and did I mention the sleep deprivation???
But I digress...
We FORTUNATELY, got the right meds (aka Azithromycin) and Annika slept through the night last night... a much needed occurance by all of us! She is still a bit out of sorts, but we expect that to improve as the antibiotics have a chance to really kick into gear.
PS: I have created a note in my iPhone that reminds me of what medications Annika can not take ... best to have that handy in case the question ever comes up again. :)