On Friday, we had two of Eric's co-workers over for dinner; they're visiting from Mexico City and we always like to share a meal with them when they're here. We got takeout pulled pork from Caspers (southern food) and then made the rest of the meal at home. No matter how hard we try, we just can't make pulled pork that is as good as what we get from Caspers... especially when we order it with extra sauce. MMMMM!
On Saturday, Annika had her 3-year well child check up. She got a clean bill of health and her doctor is very pleased with how she's meeting the developmental milestones for her age. She weighs 26.8 pounds (8th %), is 36 inches tall (23rd %), and is in the 3rd percentile for her weight/height ratio. Basically, she's a wee one, but she's perfectly healthy. A bit after her dr. appt, Annika went to her daycare buddy's birthday party at the Mounger pool. The kids had a BLAST! Annika was heart broken when it was time to get out of the pool; pizza and cake were little consolation for the fact she had to stop splashing and going down the slide into the pool.
Annika enjoying a piece of Holly's b-day cake

On Sunday, Dave, Nicola, and Anne Russell came over for brunch. It was great to catch up with the Russells and hear all about what they've been doing lately, not to mention their upcoming trip to the UK. Sunday evening, we had dinner with our friend Mandy and her mom in Edmonds. Mandy was in town from NYC and was able to squeeze us in for a visit; it was such a treat to see her (and her mom, Gill)! (We miss you, Mandy!)
Conor sacked out after our dinner with Mandy and Gill

More pictures from our ridiculously busy weekend will be available soon. Stay tuned!
Conor is getting very close to sitting up on his own. He can do it for short spurts now, but usually winds up face planting himself within 10 seconds. We're working on his tripod sit and he's definitely figuring it out. Big boy!
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