Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
State of Mind
I doubt many people would disagree when I say that I'm a fairly busy person. I get up no later than 5 o'clock in the morning and am rarely in bed before 9:30 at night. During that time, I work at my full-time job, make sure our family is clothed and fed and bathed (except for Eric, he generally takes care of that last one without my help), our laundry is done (sometimes folded!), our house isn't a complete mess (partial mess, yes, complete mess, no), our bills are paid, we're somewhat prepared for the next day, and I've brushed my teeth. My to-do list is never ending.
With so much going on, I think it is very easy to focus on what didn't get done instead of what was accomplished each day. Yes, I do still have a load or two of laundry waiting to be folded, but at least the clothes are clean and out of the dryer. True, there is clutter on our kitchen counter, but at least the counters aren't covered in crumbs AND clutter. OK, the kids' rooms have books and toys scattered here and there, but ... ummm... I don't have a plus for that one. I need to clean their rooms!
It can be hard to remember to focus on what was accomplished instead of what wasn't. I resolve to be better about that.
With so much going on, I think it is very easy to focus on what didn't get done instead of what was accomplished each day. Yes, I do still have a load or two of laundry waiting to be folded, but at least the clothes are clean and out of the dryer. True, there is clutter on our kitchen counter, but at least the counters aren't covered in crumbs AND clutter. OK, the kids' rooms have books and toys scattered here and there, but ... ummm... I don't have a plus for that one. I need to clean their rooms!
It can be hard to remember to focus on what was accomplished instead of what wasn't. I resolve to be better about that.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Busy, busy, busy weekend!
This is definitely a tired Monday. Our weekend was incredibly busy, which was fun, but also quite tiring.
On Friday, we had two of Eric's co-workers over for dinner; they're visiting from Mexico City and we always like to share a meal with them when they're here. We got takeout pulled pork from Caspers (southern food) and then made the rest of the meal at home. No matter how hard we try, we just can't make pulled pork that is as good as what we get from Caspers... especially when we order it with extra sauce. MMMMM!
On Saturday, Annika had her 3-year well child check up. She got a clean bill of health and her doctor is very pleased with how she's meeting the developmental milestones for her age. She weighs 26.8 pounds (8th %), is 36 inches tall (23rd %), and is in the 3rd percentile for her weight/height ratio. Basically, she's a wee one, but she's perfectly healthy. A bit after her dr. appt, Annika went to her daycare buddy's birthday party at the Mounger pool. The kids had a BLAST! Annika was heart broken when it was time to get out of the pool; pizza and cake were little consolation for the fact she had to stop splashing and going down the slide into the pool.
Annika enjoying a piece of Holly's b-day cake

On Sunday, Dave, Nicola, and Anne Russell came over for brunch. It was great to catch up with the Russells and hear all about what they've been doing lately, not to mention their upcoming trip to the UK. Sunday evening, we had dinner with our friend Mandy and her mom in Edmonds. Mandy was in town from NYC and was able to squeeze us in for a visit; it was such a treat to see her (and her mom, Gill)! (We miss you, Mandy!)
Conor sacked out after our dinner with Mandy and Gill

More pictures from our ridiculously busy weekend will be available soon. Stay tuned!
Conor is getting very close to sitting up on his own. He can do it for short spurts now, but usually winds up face planting himself within 10 seconds. We're working on his tripod sit and he's definitely figuring it out. Big boy!
On Friday, we had two of Eric's co-workers over for dinner; they're visiting from Mexico City and we always like to share a meal with them when they're here. We got takeout pulled pork from Caspers (southern food) and then made the rest of the meal at home. No matter how hard we try, we just can't make pulled pork that is as good as what we get from Caspers... especially when we order it with extra sauce. MMMMM!
On Saturday, Annika had her 3-year well child check up. She got a clean bill of health and her doctor is very pleased with how she's meeting the developmental milestones for her age. She weighs 26.8 pounds (8th %), is 36 inches tall (23rd %), and is in the 3rd percentile for her weight/height ratio. Basically, she's a wee one, but she's perfectly healthy. A bit after her dr. appt, Annika went to her daycare buddy's birthday party at the Mounger pool. The kids had a BLAST! Annika was heart broken when it was time to get out of the pool; pizza and cake were little consolation for the fact she had to stop splashing and going down the slide into the pool.
Annika enjoying a piece of Holly's b-day cake

On Sunday, Dave, Nicola, and Anne Russell came over for brunch. It was great to catch up with the Russells and hear all about what they've been doing lately, not to mention their upcoming trip to the UK. Sunday evening, we had dinner with our friend Mandy and her mom in Edmonds. Mandy was in town from NYC and was able to squeeze us in for a visit; it was such a treat to see her (and her mom, Gill)! (We miss you, Mandy!)
Conor sacked out after our dinner with Mandy and Gill

More pictures from our ridiculously busy weekend will be available soon. Stay tuned!
Conor is getting very close to sitting up on his own. He can do it for short spurts now, but usually winds up face planting himself within 10 seconds. We're working on his tripod sit and he's definitely figuring it out. Big boy!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Glorious Cool Air
It is finally comfortable in Seattle again. We were struck with a bit of a heatwave that left those of us without air conditioning a bit miserable. Earlier this week, I awoke at 5 AM and went upstairs and noticed that our wood floors were warm to the touch. Good Lord! The hot weather makes us quite grateful that our bedrooms are in the basement, but even that heats up after prolonged hot weather. On Monday, Annika's bedroom was registering at 75 degrees. That is pretty darned hot for a basement room!
Yesterday, it was gray and cool. Sweet relief! This morning, we even had a slight spattering of rain. Annika was none too impressed with the fact she actually had to wear long pants and tennis shoes to day care today. She's used to shorts and sandals. I'm actually wearing socks today... it feels weird. My toes don't quite know what to do in such an enclosed environment. Poor things!
On another up note, it is now cool enough that I can get back to doing some baking. WOO HOO!!
On yet another up note, our niece Abby will be here in just 6 days. HUGE WOO HOO!!!
Yesterday, it was gray and cool. Sweet relief! This morning, we even had a slight spattering of rain. Annika was none too impressed with the fact she actually had to wear long pants and tennis shoes to day care today. She's used to shorts and sandals. I'm actually wearing socks today... it feels weird. My toes don't quite know what to do in such an enclosed environment. Poor things!
On another up note, it is now cool enough that I can get back to doing some baking. WOO HOO!!
On yet another up note, our niece Abby will be here in just 6 days. HUGE WOO HOO!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Whidbey Photos
Monday, August 9, 2010
One heck of a full weekend!
This is one of those Mondays that makes me wish for a 3-day weekend. I'm wiped out. On Friday, we celebrated Annika's third birthday. Some friends and one of my brothers came over for a celebratory dinner (thanks for the amazing salmon, Jack). After dinner and some quick cleaning, my brother and I made caramel-filled chocolates - so glad for the extra help!! Saturday morning, Eric and I quickly packed up some clothes, kid supplies, the kids, and a ton of food and headed up to Whidbey Island for a family reunion at Eric's parents house. We spent Saturday hanging out with some of Eric's immediate family members (Hi everyone!) and had a great time catching up with them. We also had part 3 of Annika's birthday celebrations. She was very excited to open more presents (thank you everyone!) and eat cupcakes with VERY yellow frosting. We were also touched by the fact that Eric's sister made a crochet blanket for Conor. It is amazing! She made a reversible blanket in UW purple and gold; we couldn't ask for a better blanket (already in his crib) for our little guy!
On Sunday, the flood of extended family arrived for the official reunion. It was fun to meet new people and catch up with those we already knew. Annika and Conor got to meet lots of new cousins and had a great time doing so. The kids were so wiped out from the weekend, that they fell asleep on our way home (5:30 PM); little Annika was so exhausted that she slept until 6:15 this morning! Will post a few pictures from the reunion ... stay tuned.
We got home in time to unpack the car, reheat leftovers for dinner, start some laundry, unload/reload the dishwasher, and watch Mad Men on an HD channel (which means it is on 3 hours earlier than on the standard channels). All-in-all, a tiring but fun few days.
On Sunday, the flood of extended family arrived for the official reunion. It was fun to meet new people and catch up with those we already knew. Annika and Conor got to meet lots of new cousins and had a great time doing so. The kids were so wiped out from the weekend, that they fell asleep on our way home (5:30 PM); little Annika was so exhausted that she slept until 6:15 this morning! Will post a few pictures from the reunion ... stay tuned.
We got home in time to unpack the car, reheat leftovers for dinner, start some laundry, unload/reload the dishwasher, and watch Mad Men on an HD channel (which means it is on 3 hours earlier than on the standard channels). All-in-all, a tiring but fun few days.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy 3rd birthday, Annika!
Three years ago today, our lives changed in a way we never could have fully anticipated. Eric and I became parents. We were taken a bit by surprise because Annika wasn't due until August 25th; she just decided to make her grand debut on the early side.
We have been so blessed to have this amazing little girl in our lives. She brings joy and laughter to use on a daily basis. Her personality has developed by leaps and bounds over the past three years. Now, she'll talk your ear off, do silly dances, tell stories, laugh until her sides hurt, play, explore her imagination, and give countless hugs and kisses just because she wants to show us that she loves us.
God truly smiled down on us when he sent us our Annika.
Happy 3rd birthday, our sweet girl!
Newborn Annika
3-year-old Annika
We have been so blessed to have this amazing little girl in our lives. She brings joy and laughter to use on a daily basis. Her personality has developed by leaps and bounds over the past three years. Now, she'll talk your ear off, do silly dances, tell stories, laugh until her sides hurt, play, explore her imagination, and give countless hugs and kisses just because she wants to show us that she loves us.
God truly smiled down on us when he sent us our Annika.
Happy 3rd birthday, our sweet girl!
Newborn Annika

3-year-old Annika

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Annika has a wedge, too!
Last night, Annika professed that she had a "wedge" and then proceeded to remove her jammies, fix her Pull-up, and put her jammies back on. Eric and I were in hysterics that she called a wedgie a wedge. Too cute!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Conor's Wedge
It's no secret that our little Conor has a major case of acid reflux. We lovingly call him Barfy Boy for a very good reason — the boy can upchuck like no other!
He's been on medication for it since he was 2 months old. The meds help, but not as much as we'd hoped. At his 4-month doctor's appointment last week, Conor's pediatrician recommended we go to the OT/PT people at Children's Hospital to have them custom make a wedge for him. Boy! Did they ever make a wedge for him. This thing is gigantic. It keeps him at a 30-degree angle; the idea is we're giving gravity a chance to keep everything in his stomach as much as possible.
The first night on the wedge was a bit tricky. Conor had no inclination whatsoever to sleep on it. I don't blame him. It felt weird and smelled like funky foam adhesive and it was in a room he'd never slept in before (until that night he'd slept in our bedroom in his bouncy seat). It took 45 minutes to get him to sleep on it the first night. Each time I put him on the wedge, he'd wake up and start screaming. Last night was night number two and it went much smoother. He fell asleep on my shoulder after his last feeding and easily transitioned to the wedge.... whew! Conor slept through the night both nights on the foam; I'm not sure if that is a coincidence or the wedge. Whatever the reason, I'll take it!!
Here is our sleeping Prince Charming on his massively industrial wedge.

He's been on medication for it since he was 2 months old. The meds help, but not as much as we'd hoped. At his 4-month doctor's appointment last week, Conor's pediatrician recommended we go to the OT/PT people at Children's Hospital to have them custom make a wedge for him. Boy! Did they ever make a wedge for him. This thing is gigantic. It keeps him at a 30-degree angle; the idea is we're giving gravity a chance to keep everything in his stomach as much as possible.
The first night on the wedge was a bit tricky. Conor had no inclination whatsoever to sleep on it. I don't blame him. It felt weird and smelled like funky foam adhesive and it was in a room he'd never slept in before (until that night he'd slept in our bedroom in his bouncy seat). It took 45 minutes to get him to sleep on it the first night. Each time I put him on the wedge, he'd wake up and start screaming. Last night was night number two and it went much smoother. He fell asleep on my shoulder after his last feeding and easily transitioned to the wedge.... whew! Conor slept through the night both nights on the foam; I'm not sure if that is a coincidence or the wedge. Whatever the reason, I'll take it!!
Here is our sleeping Prince Charming on his massively industrial wedge.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Annika's birthday party
On Saturday, we celebrated Annika's birthday (celebration 1 of 3). Because Annika is really into princesses and dresses right now, we went with a rather girlie approach to the day. We decorated with pink and purple balloons, made a pink/purple princess cake, and Annika got a new dress to wear for the occasion. My side of the family came over for a BBQ lunch and to celebrate our little girl's 3rd birthday.
This is the first year that "birthday" has really meant anything to Annika. When she saw me working on her cake the night before and I told her it was her birthday cake, she got so excited and even started doing a birthday cake dance. It was quite entertaining... lacking rhythm, but entertaining!
Annika and her cake

Opening her present from Aunt June

Opening her present from Kat and Ian

Modeling her present from Uncle Troy and Aunt Staci

Silly girl!

The party mood remains, long after her energy is gone (wearing her new frog jammies from Nana)
This is the first year that "birthday" has really meant anything to Annika. When she saw me working on her cake the night before and I told her it was her birthday cake, she got so excited and even started doing a birthday cake dance. It was quite entertaining... lacking rhythm, but entertaining!
Annika and her cake

Opening her present from Aunt June

Opening her present from Kat and Ian

Modeling her present from Uncle Troy and Aunt Staci

Silly girl!

The party mood remains, long after her energy is gone (wearing her new frog jammies from Nana)

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