My brother, Troy, has a co-worker who moonlights as a pilot for Kenmore Air. Hearing that our nephew, Robert, is in town, Ken (Troy's co-worker) offered to take us up for a one-hour sightseeing flight. Who could refuse such an offer?? We had a FANTASTIC time. We took off from the north end of Lake Washington on one of the float planes. We toured over UW, downtown Seattle and the stadiums, Bellevue, went right over Troy and Staci's house and could see their car in the driveway, Snoqualmie Falls, and then over some of the local farm lands. It was incredible. The weather couldn't have been more ideal. Ken said it was 96 degrees at 1800 feet! (YUP - yesterday was another freakishly hot day in Seattle!)
Here are a few pictures from our adventure. Enjoy!
Ian, Robert, and Ken (our pilot)

Ian, Robert, Troy getting ready to take off

Huskie Stadium

Snoqualmie Falls

Downtown Seattle

Co-pilot Robert

Ian taking in the views
Lake Union, Downtown Seattle, Elliot Bay
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