I just finished "cleaning up" my work computer in preparation for my departure. I shifted my pictures of Annika, Eric, our pets, etc. to one location so I can save it to a memory stick. Many files (mostly old work stuff that I haven't touched in years) were deleted, some were moved to the network so the remaining technical writers can access them.
All of this shuffling has taken me down memory lane. A lot has happened over the past 8+ years. I moved to Seattle, started my career (compared to having jobs), met my husband, bought a house, had a child, welcomed multiple pets into our lives, explored more of the world, and so much more. I am so grateful for all of the opportunities life has presented to me. Some were hard lessons, some were joys that I couldn't have imagined. All-in-all, I wouldn't change a thing.
This next chapter is going to be a grand adventure. Yes, it is scary to move outside of my comfort zone, but it is time. I'm thrilled by the idea of doing editing full-time. I'm very sad about the fact I won't have lunch with Eric every day and won't see Annika quite so much each day - especially on days that she's tired and goes to bed early. I've been incredibly spoiled with the amount of "together time" our current schedules allow.
To my wonderful husband and priceless daughter - thank you for being so supportive in this shifting time. You are my strength and support. I'd be lost without you.