Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thanks to Figheadh Yarnworks!
Just like with her Santa photo shoot, Annika turned it on when she was in front of the camera. At one point, the photographer (Jeff Hobson) snapped her with a big smile on her face and her hands planted on her hips; it was an adorable pose. We're anxious to see some of the day's photos! Thanks to Jen and Jeff for the fun experience.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Kids say the funniest things!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Our Flexible, Chocolate-Lovin' Kid

Eric is MUCH more daring than I am when it comes to exposing Annika to new things, especially foods. I think that's how nature intended it ... moms protect the wee ones and dads teach the wee ones how to explore the world. Let's just say, she likes chocolate!

Who is that cute kid? OH WAIT! It's Annika times two!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Can we catch a break (not a bug)???
Annika finished up her antibiotics from her last ear infection about 10 days ago. Can't our little girl catch a break and be healthy for a decent amount of time?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another cake picture
(Follow up: I just found out that the auction did a dessert dash. Basically, everyone at each table writes down how much they're willing to contribute to the dessert and then the bids are added together. The table with the highest bid amount picks their first choice dessert, the second highest bidding table picks next, and so forth. The cake that I made was the first dessert chosen and went to the highest bidding table. They bid $500!!)
Friday, May 16, 2008
One for the record books
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bath Time Fun

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Cake Pictures

And let's not forget about the cookies!

She slept! She slept! She slept!
Last night was a whole new ballgame! She woke up twice, but only briefly. I think the longest she was up was 10-15 minutes. The best part was she made noises and cried out, but not that "you've abandoned me and my heart is being torn into a million pieces" cry that she shared with us the night before. She was so exhausted from the night before that she fell asleep at 6:30 last night and didn't get out of bed until 6:20 this morning. WOO HOO!!
I'm not going to know what to do with myself when she actually sleeps through the entire night. I haven't done that since December 2006.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Gummy Smile Going Away
Friday, May 9, 2008
We survived!
Per our pediatrician's suggestion, we gave Annika tofu last night. The doctor said it was a good transition protein for babies, so we gave it a try. I dutifully cut the tofu up into small pieces and Eric fed one to Annika. He put it in and *splut* out it came. He put it in her mouth again only to have the bite have the same fate as before. After the third attempt, she clamped down her mouth and wasn't going to let that nasty stuff back in. (We didn't blame her ... neither of us like tofu.) Only with some coaxing and the promise of a Cheerio did she open her mouth ... cautiously. Tofu out ... Cheerios in. Smart girl!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Annika's 9-month well-baby appt
The doctor also recommended moving Annika up to the next stage of car seat. She's getting quite close to the length limit (she's considerably under the weight limit) of her current seat, so it is getting to be upgrade time. Our big girl!
On another up note, she only woke up once last night. YIPPEE!! (That didn't stop one of the dogs and Eric from also waking me up, but I'm still quite thrilled with how well Annika slept!)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Santa photos
Here's a link to the photographer's site: Red Fish Blue Fish blog

9-months old
Tonight, Annika has her 9-month well baby doctor appointment. I hope she put on some of the weight that she lost while fighting off her last cold. While giving her a bath last night, I noticed that she has a little bit of a round tummy, so I'm hopeful.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Joining the Modern World

In addition to farming our daughter out to photo sessions, I've been doing a lot of cake baking and decorating lately. This weekend, I made a tiki cake for a the Holy Rosary school auction. Eric helped me come up with the design and I'm pleased as punch with how it turned out. He suggested the vines and grass, which made the cake come alive for me. On Sunday, we made a cake for Annika's school to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation week. Eric put his artistic abilities to work and made the apple and worm; I did the baking and frosting work (please ignore the sloppy "thank you". I whould have printed instead of using cursive) and putting each child's name on the cake (49 in all). We received rave reviews from the teachers at her school. Hurray!

Isn't the worm adorable??
As of yesterday, Annika was done with her most recent round of antibiotics (double ear infection). Eric and I are now taking bets to see how long she stays healthy this time. Poor kid; day care has been rough on her immune system.
Our yellow lab (Riley) is recovering nicely from his ACL surgery. He got his stitches out yesterday and got the paws up from his surgeon. We will take him back in 4-6 weeks for another check up. He definitely favors the leg, but is doing MUCH better than I did 2 weeks after I had my ACL surgery. (PS: Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of my ACL going the way of the do-do bird.) Buca (our black lab) is definitely ready for Riley to be back in playing mode; Ri tries, but we play referee to keep them from getting too rough; the last thing we need is another vet bill so soon after paying for Ri's knee surgery! On another up note, Riley's fur is starting to grow back (MAN! Do those vets like to shave animals. Riley's incision was about 6 inches, but they shaved 1/2 of his butt all the way down to his toes. Poor boy. Not only am I guessing that he's cold; but that's got to be embarrassing! I can just hear the neighborhood dogs snickering behind his back. They just better take cover when he's healed up and back sporting his beautiful fur coat!)