Last weekend was one full weekend, but so much fun! On Saturday, we had a play date at St. Edward State Park with our friends the Minnichs and the Hoglunds.
When we arrived at the park, Conor immediately noticed the men who were setting up a cricket game on the lawn by the parking area. He was intrigued by their VERY bright yellow uniforms and that they had a ball. I tried to explain what cricket is, but considering I have a very limited knowledge of the sport, I wasn't a very good resource. I think we'll have to do a little research on the Internet ....
The park is amazingly fantastic; someone really thought about keeping kids occupied and moving when they designed the play area. The structures have turrets and look like an old fort or castle, and the play area is entirely surrounded by lawns and trees. There are also lots of paths/trails in the park, but we just stuck to the play area, which is huge and fenced in with a nice wooden fence that keeps kids from wandering too far. There is a low climbing wall, tire swings, regular swings, a digger toy, a sand area, slides galore, and more!
The kids had a blast!! It was fun to have the ability to let them run around, knowing they wouldn't get very far. It was a bit nerve wracking to not have them in my sights 100% of the time, but I made sure they always knew where I was. Plus, I knew Elaine and Rachel were two more sets of eyes keeping an eye on the kids. We definitely had each others backs.
After playing ourselves silly, we called in the troops (aka the dads) and trekked to Elliott Bay Brewing Co. on Lake City Way for a mighty tasty lunch. With the number of little kids that we had, naturally, there were more bathroom visits than anyone imagined. Such is life and par for the course with six kids who are six and younger! :)
Would definitely vote for returning to St. Edward Park for another play excursion!!
Conor really liked these colorful blocks ... they made great sounds as they clanked together |
More colors |
Liam swinging away |
Grace enjoying the red swing |
Annika mastering the monkey bars |
Run, Conor, run! |
I think they reached the max. occupancy limit on this tire swing |
Ethan and Annika taking the tire swing out for a spin... literally |
Ethan was the last remaining tire swing hold out... he eventually was splayed out in the wood chips because of being overly dizzy... poor kiddo!! |
High flying and adored |
Wheeee! |
Nathan was too small to play, but sure enjoyed watching all of the kids run around |
Conor keeping closer to the ground than his big sister tends to |
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