On August 10th, Annika took her first solo step. She's been walking with assistance for a little bit now, but this was the first time she walked without holding on to anything. She was walking along the coffee table and decided to visit Eric, who was on the couch. She ran out of coffee table before getting to the couch, so she took a step. It wasn't something that would be considered graceful, but it was a step!
We spent last weekend visiting family in eastern WA. It was HOT there... but the sayings about "dry heat" really are true. It hit 105 while we were there, but it felt to be in the upper 80s to low 90s. Of course, what do I do in such heat? I go to the yarn store and buy wool yarn to make slippers and a hat for Annika. Of course, she won't wear them until this winter, but now is the time to start such projects! It was great to spend time with our extended family and do some catching up with them.
Story Time with Uncle John

Annika not quite sure what to do when Buca joined her in the pool

Last summer, three families at work had babies within 2 weeks. Our co-worker Leo lives in Mexico City and comes up to Seattle regularly to spend some time in the office. This trip, he brought his wife (Dulce) and their baby (Leo, Jr - who was born 1 week before Annika). Annika and Leo, Jr. had their first and second play dates during their visit to Seattle. Leo, Jr. and Annika met last winter, but were too little to play. This trip, they interacted with each other and played together like champs!