Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Another Finished Project: Anywhere Skirt

Yes, it's true. I've finished yet another project. I know, right???

I bought fabric to make Annika some spring/summer skirts awhile ago, washed it, bought the pattern, and then did nothing beyond that. For an embarrassingly long time. Silver lining? Annika has grown so much over the past few months that my procrastination means the skirts won't be too small for her to actually wear them. 

(Unlike Conor's Easter slacks that I so "intelligently" bought ahead of time and then he outgrew them, leaving me to scramble for a different pair for him to wear on Easter.... the struggle is REAL.... growing children are really hard to keep up with and predict for.)

But I digress.... back to the skirt. 

I picked a swooshy multi-colored fabric so she could wear it with a variety of shirts (she's wearing her uniform shirt in these photos...) and to make any play-related dirt smudges less obvious (no dummy am I!).

How to align button holes proved to be a bit of a challenge for me, but I think it turned out pretty darned well. (Just don't take a ruler to the buttons to check for perfect alignment ... I'm not perfect and neither are they.)

Slightly-wonky button holes aside, I'm pleased as punch with how the skirt came out and Annika loves it. The beauty of this pattern is it is based on the person's measurements, so as long as Annika doesn't grow too much (HAHAHAH!!!) too quickly (BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!), I can use this set of measurements for awhile ... at least, until mid-summer? 

OH, and ready for the best part? I had enough fabric left over to make her a little matching headband. (Mic Drop!!!) 

We are supposed to hit the 80s later this week, so I have a feeling Miss A will be grateful for a nice cool skirt to wear. (The shorts I ordered for her haven't arrived yet, so this skirt might get A LOT of wear over a very short amount of time!) 

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