Yesterday, Annika's class performed a student version of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The work they put into their performances was incredibly evident, as was the pure joy they experienced while performing. (Ahhh.... the next generation of theater lovers!)
Not only did the kids perform, they also had backstage jobs, including directing, sound/lighting, props, etc. Way to multi-task, 5th grade!!
Annika portrayed the roles of Lady Macbeth's assistant, a soldier, Lennox, and the person who held the pillow during Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's crowning ceremony. The kids got their parts and scripts over a month ago, and Annika was diligent about learning her lines and building her performance skills. We also learned that she can die onstage with the best of them! As Lennox, she participated in Macbeth's last stand battle and was offed by a rival sword.
Leading up to the play, Annika would shudder every time we made a Macbeth reference. Per theater lore/superstition, you aren't supposed to say "Macbeth" inside a theater unless you are in the play and referring to the character. Annika took it one step miles further by deciding no one should EVER say it and would curse us all if we said Macbeth in her presence. Of course, that just encouraged Eric and me to say it whenever possible. (Hey, if you can't torment your kids now and then, what's the fun of having kids???)
Auntie Suzanne and I had front row seats for the performance, so were close-ish to all of the action and (gratefully), close enough to hear most of the kids' lines. (That voice projection skill needed for live theater sometimes takes awhile to master!) The production took great advantage of the school's new lighting system... the purple lights used for the witches' scenes was really neat ... and was even more impressive with the use of a fog machine. (Yup, WAAAAY higher production quality than our old St. Charles school plays .... 'nuf said! Although, there was a great lack of over-done blue eye shadow that would have been funnily nostalgic ... if only!)
After the performance (mind you, this was performed for almost the entire school.... the little kids didn't attend due to the performance's length, but there was still a sizable crowd), the 5th graders sat on the stage, introduced themselves, and explained their roles and jobs. They took a few questions from the audience (including Conor's classmate Sophia whose "question" was, "When I'm in 5th grade and in the play, I want to a part that gets to have a sword."), and conducted themselves with great maturity and thoughtfulness.
Court soldier |
Sword-wielding soldier |
Crowning Lady Macbeth |
Lady Macbeth's assistant |
Video of Annika's death scene
After the kids' performance, they had a small reception in their classroom for the performers and their guests. Annika's teacher asked if I'd make Macbeth-themed cookies for the reception... ummmm.... YES!!!! It was a lot of fun to break out of my more "usual" cookie designs. I can now add "blood splatters" to my cookie decorating resume.
Kudos to the students and their amazing teacher, Ms. Adler, for an enjoyable, impressive, and overall well-done production of "the Scottish play".
(Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth!!!!!)