Thursday, February 7, 2019

February Snow

I've said a few times this winter that I doubted we'd get any snow. If we don't see a single flake by the end of January, we typically don't see snow. I was SO confident in this theory that I planted pansies in our front yard last week. Oh what a fool I was!

See my pretty flowers? So springy!!
Last weekend, we got hit with a snow storm that dropped about 4 1/2 inches of snow in our yard and covered my pretty pansies so there was nothing to see by white mounts. The temps plummeted, causing icy road conditions and the snow to remain. We also got some decent winds that brought down tree branches and limbs.

School was cancelled on Monday and Tuesday, so the kids were basically over the moon. (Annika's enthusiasm was diminished when she came to the realization ... with our "mean parent" help ... that playing in the snow at the neighbor's house with a broken arm wasn't the best idea. She wound up being invited to her friend Maddy's house Monday afternoon to watch a movie and drink hot cocoa, so all was right again with the world. Conor spent a few hours at the neighbor's house bopping between playing in the snow and playing Monopoly inside. He loved having Valeria to himself and it sounds like they had a fabulous time together.)

Eric and I worked from home on Monday. I worked from home on Tuesday, too, while he braved the roads to show his face at the office; fortunately, he made it back and forth without incident (whew!).

The kids had a 2-hour delay Wed and Thur.... the question is what will Friday bring? If you as a weather forecaster, MORE SNOW! If the forecasts are right, we're in for a real doozy of a storm. (And if the lines at the grocery store last night were any indication, people were paying attention to the predictions.) Stay tuned!

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