They'd been counting down to it for the past two weeks with great anticipation. This week was filled with "wrapping it up" activities, including cleaning out their desks at school, bringing home piles of art projects and graded homework, field day, field trips, and a board game party (for Annika's class).
As soon as the last bell rang, the kids came flooding out... and that is when the reality of change hit Conor and he decided he wasn't quite ready for 1st grade to end. The proclaimed that he would really like to have another week or two of school. We talked about how change can be a bit unsettling and that's OK. We also talked up 2nd grade and how much Annika liked having her as a teacher. He seemed a bit more at ease, but also might have just been humoring his crazy old parents.
After school, we zipped home to reveal the surprise we had in store: a family outing to the newly-released Captain Underpants movie followed by lunch at Five Guys. The kids were beyond thrilled!! Not a bad way to start their summer vacation, if you ask them. :)
As I write this post, I can't help but be a bit amazed by how much the kids changed over the school year. Annika has grown almost 3 inches in height and is very close to her goal of growing out her bangs. Conor started out 1st grade without his two front teeth and is now about 2 inches taller than when he started the school year.
Conor's Year-end Interview
My favorite thing to play is: Hula-hoop tag
My favorite color is: Chartreuse
My favorite book: The Book with No Pictures
My favorite TV show: Pokemon XYZ
My favorite food: Suckers
When I grow up, I want to: Be a famous soccer player
My favorite thing about 1st grade was: Getting to play Ga-Ga Ball
Something cool I learned this year was: How to tell time
Something I want to learn in 2nd grade is: Multiplication
Something I want to do over the summer is: Go to the Dollar Store
Annika's Year-end Interview
My favorite thing to play is: Kitties
My favorite color is: A glowing red pink
My favorite book: Captain Underpants
My favorite TV show: How to Train Your Dragon
My favorite food: Swedish Meatballs
When I grow up, I want to: Take a vacation to Hawaii
My favorite thing about 3rd grade was: Having a very nice teacher
Something cool I learned this year was: That a right angle is a point of a square or rectangle
Something I want to learn in 4th grade is: Grammar
Something I want to do over the summer is: Go to the pool
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