Monday, September 16, 2019

1st day of school 2019

Yes, I'm still playing catch up, but am getting a bit closer. Slowly but surely.

Our kids started back to school the day after Labor Day and have hit the ground running! Annika is officially a middle school student now that she's in 6th grade. Conor is in 4th grade and is quick to agree with Annika that the 4th grade teacher is amazing!!

This fall's activities line up for the Olson crew includes: Irish dance (both kids), figuring out middle school (Annika), CYO soccer (Conor), ongoing Wired for Reading tutoring (Annika), band (Conor - percussion), choir (Conor, because why NOT add more things to the list), Bite of Broadview planning (Eric and Meredith), and altar server at church (Annika). WHEW!!! (Yes, I will be a lump on the floor by the time this fall wraps up.... thanks for asking!)

It wouldn't be a real first day of school without the required "stand in the yard while holding a sign for your mother and do it quickly so we aren't late for school" photos.

They are growing into these shirts much too quickly for my liking!

And now, a few of the outtakes...

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