In late August (yes, I am WAYYY behind on posting ... please forgive me!), the kids, Huck, and I had a long weekend in Idaho ... Bottle Bay on Lake Pend Orielle, to be specific. We were hosted by my brother and his family at their new cabin, which is next door to the cabin my sister and brother-in-law own. (How handy!)
We drove to Lake Pend Orielle on Thursday after Annika finished the final day of her middle school study skills camp at Blanchet. Fortunately, the drive went off very smoothly. Huck proved himself to be a champ on a long drive (whew!) and the kids were really good about keeping themselves occupied to help past the time. On our final approach to the lake, we were lucky enough to see a wild turkey and a deer. Fun stuff! We got to the lake around 7 PM, so quickly unloaded the car and got settled at my brother's place before it got too dark.
Huck, my co-pilot |
This was the first time I'd been to my brother's new place and wasn't quite sure what to expect, in terms of layout, accommodations, etc. The kids, Huck, and I were in the "apartment" above the garage and it worked out swimmingly! We had our own space to spread out and not disturb people when our kids woke up before their older cousins. It allowed for us to not be on top of each other and to keep me from stressing about getting in anyone else's way. So nice!!
Our first full day at the lake was Friday and we filed it with walks, swimming in the lake, a boat trip to Sandpoint (hello, Starbucks!), and catching up with our various family members. The kids and I had a quiet start to our morning with a little lounging around, followed by some breakfast, and a walk (with Huck) to the end of the road. We took in the beautiful views and enjoyed the serenity of the lake. Anna arrived later in the afternoon once she was done at work, which was an added bonus to the day.
Annika, Ian, and Conor at Starbucks |
Conor and Annika on Lake Pend Orielle |
Captain Troy, at yer service |
Lake girl |
Conor and Huck checking out the lake |
Cute kiddos |
Staci paddling around Pend Orielle |
Ian mastering his new paddle board |
Annika trying out Ian's paddle board |
The big news of the day was Annika decided it was time to learn how to water ski. Uncle Troy drove the boat while Uncle Randy coached her from the water. After quite a few failed attempts, Uncle Randy had the idea of having the boat "walk" her for a bit so Annika could get the feel for being pulled by the boat. That was the trick! After being "walked" for a little bit, she gave us the "hit it!" command and she was up!!
Randy showing us how its done |
Troy taking a lap around the bay |
Randy coaching Annika |
She did it!! Annika's first time up on skis |
Huck says the lake is fun but tiring |
Unfortunately for Conor, the day took a bit of a downturn when a sharp lake rock and Conor's foot became one. Fortunately, Auntie Suzanne was on hand to evaluate things and deemed stitches unnecessary (whew). That said, having a big slice on his foot kept Conor a bit lower key and we decided to let his foot heal before trying to learn how to water ski. (Next year, buddy!)
Playing a dice game with Conor while he kept his foot up |
Annika and Huck chilling out after lots of lake fun |
Ian and Conor playing catch before dinner ... yes, Ian wound up in the lake many times over the course of their game |
The other big news of the day was it was Ian's 18th birthday. We had a fun family dinner at Troy'Staci's main cabin, complete with chicken alfredo and tiramisu (Aegis style!) for dessert. Yum and yum! Welcome to adulthood, Ian! :)
Singing "Happy Birthday' to Ian and belated b-day to Annika |
Day two at the lake was much like the day before. We started out with a quiet morning ... the pace at the cabin is truly a marvelous thing. We went for more walks, relaxed by the lake, played games, read, and enjoyed being with each other. The Nelsons and the Olsons opted to hit the Bottle Bay Marina for lunch after hearing the rave reviews from Suzanne and Randy about the improved food. Staci and I walked to the marina while Troy and the kids boated over. We got two tables right next to the lake (oh darn...) and wound up having a lovely lunch together chatting about life, Ian's upcoming move to CWU, and how we should spend the rest of our day. All in all, quite a lovely outing.
Troy and Randy wound up running some errands earlier in the day, which took them into town and to a sporting goods store. They came back with a two-seat inner tube for the boat. Win!! Needless to say, THAT was a big hit with the kids. (Considering Conor's foot was still less than perfect ... having the inner tube was a pretty perfect thing. Fun behind the boat without the need for more bandaids than we were already using!)
Conor and Annika ready for some fun |
Kat ... all geared up and ready for some time on the water |
Troy and Kat enjoying the inner tube |
With tubing time behind us, it was back to donning the water skis! Anna started us out with a brave plunge into the cold water. She was up her first try ... cold water will motivate you to get it right! She took a lap around the bay, showing us her parade princess wave, and made the whole thing look so darned easy.
Anna's turn to show us how it's done |
Conor mastering the kayak |
Annika enjoyed the previous day's skiing efforts so much that she was HUNGRY to try again. God bless Randy for spending THAT much time floating in the water with her ... and after she got up and took a lap around the bay! Fortunately, Ian and his new paddle board proved to be quite the handy "lake lyft".... Ian "rescued" Randy and wound up shuttling various skiers back and forth between the boat (or where they let go of the ski rope) and the dock much of the afternoon.
Annika up for a full lap around the bay |
Not to be outdone by everyone else! |
We finished off our last full day at the lake with more family time and a big group of very tired people ... but tired in a good way.
Huck and Bo ... vacation dogs |
Our drive home on Sunday was timed on getting to the fruit stand in Ellensburg before it closed at 6. We packed up our things, cleaned the cabin, helped with a few last-minute tasks, and headed down the road at 11:58. (My goal was to leave by noon. Mic drop!) We drove across the state without incident and got to the fruit stand in plenty of time (yippee) and I happily bought my 20-pound box of peaches that were turned into peach butter a few days later (YUM!). The portion of our drive from Ellensberg to our house SHOULD have taken just under 2 hours. Thanks to a previous accident and funky traffic flows caused by construction projects, it took us over 3 hours. An extra hour plus at that point in our drive was truly painful. Yes, we made it in one piece ... but one very tired and glad to be home piece.