Monday, April 1, 2019

Another Project Done: A Dinosaur Pillowcase

In keeping with my "finish what I've started" theme for 2019, I FINALLY got myself into gear and finished another pillowcase.

I've had this fabric sitting there just waiting for me to take it from "fabric" to "pillowcase" for I don't even know how long. It was long enough ago for me to wash the fabric and lay it out flat so it didn't wrinkle and then stack up a bunch of other stuff on top of it ... causing it to wrinkle (oh Murphy and your darned law!)

After digging out the fabric from the pile of .... stuff (I'll choose polite language!), I ironed both pieces of fabric, reviewed my go-to pillowcase tutorial, and then got to work! (Unlike what is shown in the tutorial, I make my pillowcases with only 2 fabrics, foregoing the little one between the main fabric and the cuff.

This fabric makes me smile and Conor likes that one of the dinosaur phrases is "I'm fast" because, as he points out, he likes to run fast!  Other dinosaur phrases on the fabric are "I'm tall" (again, that fits Conor), "I'm hungry", "I'm spikey", "I'm big", and "Roarrrrrrrrr." The dinosaurs are just so stinkin' cute ... this project makes me happy through and through.

Another project moves to the "complete" category

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