It is IMPOSSIBLE to believe that our little Conor is two months old today. In the past two months he has learned how to be a champion eater, found that he has hands (pretty exciting stuff), went to the zoo and to the aquarium, was baptized, attended his cousin's 1st Communion, rode a couple of ferry boats, learned how to sleep for 6 hours (on rare occasions), and has made lots of new friends.
Conor had his 2 month check up today and got a clean bill of health. He now weighs 11 pounds, 6 ounces (birth weight: 7 pounds, 9 ounces). He was diagnosed with acid reflux, which isn't a shock considering his great dislike of being flat on his back nad his ability to barf for distance (if only that was an Olympic sport, he'd be a gold medal winner for sure. Annika also had acid reflux when she was a baby, so we weren't shocked that Conor has it.
After doing to the doctor, I bundled up Annika and Conor and we met up with a few friends at the Woodland Park Zoo. It poured the entire time we were at the zoo, but we still had a really good time. Ironically, we didn't do a single thing on the zoo's rainy day route. We saw plenty of animals, including an elephant, flamingos, a tarpin, meerkats, penguins, tigers, bears, and some loud birds. The kids all had a great time, as did the mommies. We probably would have voted for less rain, but we're in Western Washington... that's par for the course.

Annika at the zoo