Last week, we started being teased with the idea of lowland snow in our area. It is fair to say that we snow-lovers in Seattle are a bit skeptical when snow is in the forecast... we've been burned too many times. Well, this past weekend, the snow-loving Olsons were over-the-top happy with the weather! Over a 3-day period, we accumulated almost 11 inches of snow in our yard, with a couple of drifts in places that measured over 2 feet. WOO HOO!
The timing of this series of storms really couldn't have been more perfect. It was a long weekend thanks to Presidents' Day and the kids' school being on mid-winter break. Plus, due to the pandemic, we were home anyway!
We had snowball fights, built a couple of snow people, shoveled the walkway and sidewalk, made snow angels, went sledding, and just enjoyed the beauty of the snowy landscape. All-in-all, a fairly perfect few days of winter.
Snow: Day 1
Conor, Huck, and Finn checking out the snow |
Not sure if the dogs or Conor had more fun
Ready for sledding |
Snow: Day 2
Snowy fun |
Nothing to sneeze at here |
Conor and our baseball cap-wearing snowman |
Smile!! |
Snow angels for the front yard |
Snow: Day 3
Ready... aim... fire! |
Annika taking cover behind the snowman |
Snowball incoming |
Exploding snowball |
Snowball action
Happy campers |
Snow fun
Snow fun is exhausting |
One mighty happy kiddo |
Thank you to Mother Nature for sending this chapter of winter weather our way. We thoroughly enjoyed it and appreciate you taking us into consideration.