Finn has been with us for 2 1/2 weeks. Over that time, he has definitely settled in and made himself at home. He's a huge goofball and loves nothing more than snuggles, playing with Huck, and treats.
He is also growing like crazy!! He's grown over an inch in the past week (yes, we mark the dogs' height on the door frame right along the kids' heights ... just quite a bit closer to the ground!)
Finn is still working on potty training, but considering his age and the fact he's only been here a few weeks, that isn't a surprise. We are making progress in that department, but have also had our fair share of "whoops" moments. Such is life with a puppy! His upper respiratory infection seems to be a thing of the past (hurray!!) and we suspect that fact has helped him sleep better at night ... which means Eric and I sleep better at night (double hurray!). He still snores a bit/makes piggy noises when he sleeps, but the sounds are so cute that we can't complain!
What really tickles us is how Finn is a back sleeper. We've never had a dog that sleeps on its back like this! (Note: Finn's brother Grey sleeps on his back, too, per their foster mom in Texas! Must be genetic!) Often, we'll find both dogs snuggled up on a dog bed curled together like yin and yang.
Nap Time
Back Sleeper Smiles
Over the past week or so, Finn has really started to hold his own when he plays with Huck. They race around the back yard taking turns chasing each other at top speed. I think Finn's growth spurt has helped him feel a bit more confident while playing/rough housing with Huck... their size difference isn't quite as dramatic as it was when Finn first came home. Huck loves to be chased by other dogs when playing with them, which makes me pretty sure his happiest day EVER was when Finn realized chasing Huck was part of the fun and took off after him. Finn still tires out faster than Huck (hey, his little legs have to work harder to keep up with long-legged Huck), and when that happens, Finn hunkers down under one of the bushes in the yard and nibbles on on a stick or pine cone.
Big Dog, Little Dog
The kids are still completely enamored with being a two-dog family (except when Finn has one of his "whoops" moments ... then they are slightly less enthralled). More often than not, we'll find the kids snuggled up with one or both of the dogs, just as happy as they could be.
Kid and Dog Pile
Finn has the craziest ears! They are often flipped inside out. Huck will sometimes have one ear that flips inside out, and we call it his "crazy ear". Finn has taken "crazy ear" to a new level, often having BOTH ears inside out. On occasion, we'll see his ears right-side-out and forward... quite cute and about as common as a Bigfoot sighting! ;)
Finn's Crazy Ears
Finn on the Hammock... with his "Not Crazy Ears" on display |
Sleepy Pup
I have to say, I can't be more grateful to Eric for suggesting we look into adopting a friend for Huck/pandemic pup and to the Big Dog Rescue Project for connecting us with this sweet boy. Finn has been a wonderful addition to our family and upped our cuteness level to an all new high. 💓🐕