Annika was sent home on Thursday with a low-grade fever and cold symptoms. She slept basically from 5 PM until 6:40 AM (with a minor waking period at 1 AM). Fortunately, the cold seems to be subsiding and we're down to a runny nose that occasionally needs to be wiped ... nothing like the faucet it was a few days ago. Thank goodness! As if we really needed proof that she's our kid, she has proven without a doubt that she is definitely our offspring ... sick = sleep! She also tried (and loved) the Starbuck's pumpkin scones; we always knew she was brilliant!
My best friend (Kate) asked me to make a cake for her co-worker's wedding reception (part 2). The bride (Liz) wanted light purple frosting with green scroll work. I added a few touches of my own. (I hope she liked it!) Here's a picture of the final results.