This year, we spent Thanksgiving on Whidbey Island with Eric's parents and had an absolutely marvelous holiday. My mom came up the afternoon before so we could get an early start Thursday morning... the goal being to avoid spending any more of the day sitting in a ferry line than was truly necessary. Fortunately, we made it on the ferry we hoped to take... win for the Olson family!
Most of the day was spent catching up, playing games (namely bingo, greed, and mah jong), and watching the kids run around like the little balls of energy that they are.... oh, and preparing an amazing Thanksgiving dinner.
During the course of the day, Eric and his parents started going through a box of family mementos, including old photos, my father-in-law's grade school report cards (anyone know what an "R" on a report card means??), and pictures from various generations. A few of Eric's baby/childhood pictures were discovered, as was the undeniable fact that Conor is basically a carbon copy of Eric. Eric's mom keeps telling me how much Conor looks like Eric, but I didn't really see it until I looked at the pictures from Eric's childhood. And now all I can say is "WOW, but does Conor ever look like Eric as a kid!"
Eric's dad took time to do a project with each of our kids. He took them to his workshop and helped them build boats using scraps of wood. The kids LOVED doing this with him and now have new favorite bath toys. Eric's mom also had a project for the kids: writing the name tags for each person's place setting. My mom also had shortbread cookie dough, so she and the kids could make some sweets. I adore the fact that our family members want to take time with our kids; they are providing opportunities for our kids to create lasting memories of our loved ones. Not only memories of the things they did, but also the realization that people who loved them wanted to spend time with them and make them feel special.
Our dinner was beyond delicious! We ate an amazingly juicy turkey, mashed potatoes, bread, asparagus, and salad. Yum wouldn't begin to describe the meal. The best part, though, was sharing it with some of our very favorite people!
For a safe, peaceful, fun, family-filled Thanksgiving, we are truly thankful.
Annika, Bestemor, and Conor making place cards for our Thanksgiving table |
Jack and Charlene |
Annika riding the antique rocking horse |
Eric and Karen looking at old family items |
Jack getting a chuckle out of his childhood report cards |
Mmmm... deviled eggs |
"I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie!"
(Pop quiz: Name that movie!) |
We had a very fun mah jong marathon... and I'm not
just saying that because I mah jongged twice! |
The eternal debate: are olives more fun to play with or eat? |
Conor discovered the sheer fun that is olives on your fingers |
Eric coming in for the olive swiping, but left empty mouthed after
Conor popped his pinky into his mouth at the last second |
Olive Eyes Annika, olive you!
(haha! get it? I'm so punny!) |
My mom turned into the human jungle gym at one point during the day
Just don't ask me why Annika is without pants... I have no clue |
Nana and Annika playing bingo |
What Thanksgiving is complete without a circus act or two? |
Jack checking on the turkey |
Did I mention the juggling?
Later on, he worked in a variety of citrus fruits for a colorful flair to his act |
A bastin' we will go! A bastin' we will go!
High-ho the derrio. A bastin' we will go. |
My mother-in-law makes the world's best gravy. I kid you not! Pure liquid Heaven. |
Eric and his dad flipping the bird from the roasting rack to the carving board.
This was no small task! Success!!
(I'd like it noted that they were going to try lifting and flipping the bird; I was the
one who suggested putting the carving board on top of the rack and then flipping the whole thing.
They'd be lost without me. ;) |
Our beautiful table
Note Annika's adorable handwriting on the place card |
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