Friday, September 21, 2012

It's not a crime scene ... it's just Whidbey

I just realized I never posted the rest of the pictures I took during our weekend on Whidbey a few weeks ago. My apologies for the delay, but just think how much more exciting these will be after waiting with such antici ..............pation!

On Sunday afternoon, the kids were getting a bit ... how shall we say ... energetic, so we ushered them outside to burn off some energy. Bestemor (aka Eric's mom) pulled out a container of sidewalk chalk so the kids could let their creativity spring forth.

I love little kid handwriting!

The kids asked me to draw their outlines, which I happily did.
At the end of the art session, the driveway looked quite a bit like a crime scene
with lots of chalk body outlines.
Fortunately, the chipper clothes that Annika drew on the bodies
made it a much more pleasant crime scene.

Annika putting the finishing touches on her artwork

Annika and Conor busy at work.
Annika "sneaking" up on Buster so she
could get his toy and throw it for him again

While the kids played, Eric and his dad (aka Bestefar)
did some projects around the house.

They even needed a ladder and scaffolding

Manly work, I tell ya!

Of course, the kids decided they needed to "help"
Conor trying to strong arm the wheelbarrow

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